It has been let at an annual rental of 393,000. 它以每年39.3万英镑的价格被租了出去。
Eventually, non-Bermudians were allowed to purchase only the most expensive of houses-those that have an annual rental value in the six-figure range. 结果是,非百慕大人只能购买最贵的房子,即那些年租金在六位数以上的住宅。
The current rate is10% of such estimated or actual amounts of annual rental income. 现时通用的利率是每年估计或实际租金收益金额的10%。
Therefore, some suggestions are made that we should implement the reform of the annual rental system to the state land in order to improve the function of the automatic stabilizer in regulating the structure of the real estate market and controlling speculation. 因此,为发挥土地增值税在调节房地产市场结构和抑制投机方面所特有的“自动稳定器”功能,建议对国有土地实行年租制改革。